InterWeave Academy

Salesforce Solutions

Simple, Rapid, Extensible Whether you’re selecting the right combination of applications to integrate, or developing and delivering your own SmartSolutions, we can help align your business with the power of InterWeave. We are known as the company that innovates, and to that end we’ve made it easier for you to integrate your business with applications previously thought to be inaccessible. Below is a partial view of the resources available to our customers and partners.

InterWeave has many SmartSolutions for Salesforce for you to select from. Just a few are listed below:

Salesforce_QuickBooks Solution

Smart Solution Set Up and Testing

The main customer portal login is located at – select “Login” on the main title bar. Your Smart Solutions Technical Specialist will work with you to execute the steps below:

Step 1 – Create custom fields in Salesforce and QuickBooks

    • Customize/update Salesforce with mandatory custom fields as identified below
    • Customize/update Salesforce with optional custom fields as identified below
    • Customize/update QuickBooks with custom fields as identified below

Step 2 – Connectivity Set Up

    • If you are connecting to QuickBooks Online – see the first section
    • If you’re connecting to your QuickBooks Company file on a server, see instructions below
    • Install connector, configure firewall
    • Ensure QB connectivity with help of Support
    • Make sure you have received the so-called “QODBC URI” string from Support by this point (it looks like this – “jdbc:odbc:CompanyName“)
    • Login to edit your company profile (EditCompanyProfile), verify that all your settings are properly filled in and on the last page of settings, put in the QODBC URI (in the correspondingly-named row)

Step 3 – Registration & Solution Configuration on the InterWeave Solutions Portal

    • Select New Company? Please Register Here
    • Enter your unique registration information (and remember it – it is case sensitive)
    • Select your Solution and walk through the Configuration with your InterWeave Technical Specialist
    • This takes about 30 to 45 minutes

Step 4 – Activation of Flows and Testing

    • Log into the InterWeave Solutions Portal
    • Log in and commence testing individual Flows (objects)

SF Object Testing:

        • Account
        • Sales Order
        • Invoice
        • Products

Step 5 – Initialization of QuickBooks

    • Before you start testing, you need to make sure QuickBooks is ready.

Step 6 – Binding and Production

    • When your testing is complete, we will run the binding flows for SF to QB that evening
    • Next morning, Log into the InterWeave Solutions Portal, set your Flow timings – and you’re running.

Step 1 – Create custom fields in Salesforce and QuickBooks

Salesforce Custom Fields


At a minimum, we need three new custom fields for Accounts, one field for Opportunities and one field for Products to be added in Salesforce as soon as possible. They will help with bi-directional flows as well as speed up operations and ensure better linkage between Salesforce objects and QuickBooks records.

Account Record

Go to “Setup” in Salesforce, then on the left side-bar click on “Customize“, then on “Account“, then on “Fields” links. Scroll down to see the list of existing custom fields and click on the “New” button above that list.

The field type is “Text”, label is “QB Full Name“, maximum length of the field is 210 characters. Continue clicking “Next” and then “Save“.

Click on the “New” button again in the account custom fields list. This time, use the “Date/Time” field type. The label for this field is “QB LastModified“. Continue clicking “Next” and then “Save”.

Click on the “New” button again in the account custom fields list. This time, use the “Picklist” field type. The label for this field is “Active“. Continue clicking “Next” and then “Save”. We always need a custom field with API name of “Active__c” – picklist with two values “Yes” and “No”

Opportunity Record

Click on the left side-bar click on “Opportunity”, and then on “Fields”. Scroll down to the list of existing custom fields and click on the “New” button. The field type is “Date/Time” and label is “QB LastModified“. Continue clicking “Next” and then “Save“.

Product Record

Finally, on the left side-bar click on “Product”, and then on “Fields”. Scroll down to the list of existing custom fields and click on the “New” button. The field type is “Date/Time” and label is “QB LastModified“. Continue clicking “Next” and then “Save“.

Additional Optional Fields relating to your Configuration Selections

In Salesforce

1.   Contact Object

a.   If your primary contact for an account is determined by a contact-level custom field, we need a custom field with the name of “Level” of type Picklist with following possible values – Primary, Secondary, Tertiary

2.   Account Object

a.   If you have selected the 30/60/90 option, you will need to create the following custom fields in the Account Object:

Curr Bal PymtsCurrency(9,2)
Acc Recv Over30Currency(9,2)
Acc Recv Over60Currency(9,2)
Acc Recv Over90Currency(9,2)

b.   We need the following fields to be accessible by integration userthis means they must be checked “Visible” in the security setting. (below are field names, not labels): If your running Professional, you will need to go into Page Layout and drag the fields down to make them visible.

      • Account Number
      • Description
      • Fax
      • Employees
      • Parent Account
      • Phone
      • Rating
      • Type
      • Website

c.   If your primary contact for an account is determined by contact lookup in account, we need a custom label of “Primary Contact” with a field name of “Primary_Contact” with the type Lookup Relationship (Contacts)

3.   Opportunity Object

a.   If Transaction number is generated in SF, the custom field that stores the QuickBooks Transaction Number needs to be auto-numbered and unique

b.   If your primary contact for an account is determined by contact lookup in account, we need a custom label of “Primary Contact” with a field name of “Primary_Contact” with the type Lookup (Contact).

c.   If you are integrating Opportunities to Sales Orders, Sales Receipts, Invoices or Purchase Orders, create the following fields, Text (11) and put them in the QuickBooks Integration section. These fields are unique.

Sales Order NumberText (11)
Sales Estimate NumberText (11)
Sales Receipt NumberText (11)
Invoice NumberText (11)
Purchase Order NumberText (11)

d.   If you are using custom billing and shipping address fields in your opportunities, we expect them to have the corresponding  names:

Billing StatusText (20)
Billing Company NameText (210)
Billing FirstNameText (210)
Billing LastNameText (210)
Billing Company StreetText (210)
Billing CityText (210)
Billing StateText (210)
Billing Postal CodeText (210)
Billing CountryText (210)
Billing PhoneNumberText (210)
Shipping Company NameText (210)
Shipping FirstNameText (210)
Shipping LastNameText (210)
Shipping Company StreetText (210)
Shipping CityText (210)
Shipping StateText (210)
Shipping Postal CodeText (210)
Shipping CountryText (210)
Shipping PhoneNumberText (210)

4.   Product Object

a.   If you answered “Yes” on the setting “Salesforce Support for Inventory items cost required” then you need to create two custom fields in the Product Object for Item Cost and Vendor. Their names should be:

    • QB Parent Name
    • The field type is “Text” and the length is 41
    • Unit Cost
      • The field type is “Currency” (10/2)
    • Vendor 
      • The field type is “Text” and the length is 41

b.   If you answered “Yes” on the setting “Salesforce Support for Item weight required” then you need to create custom field in the Product Object for Item Weight. The name should be:

    • Weight
      • The field type is “Number” (10,2)


QuickBooks (Custom Fields)

1.   Customer Object

a.   We always need a custom field named “AccountID”

2.   Vendor Object

a.   We always need a custom field named “AccountID” 

3.   Inventory Item Object

a.   If binding between Salesforce products and QuickBooks inventory items is done based on product code/item SKU, we need a custom field named “ItemCode” to store the SKU

b.   If you answered “Yes” on the setting “SF Support for Item weight required” then we need a custom field named “Weight” to store weight

QuickBooks Address

We will need the path (server) documented so we may put this address in your Configuration.


Step 2 – Connectivity Set Up

Connecting with QuickBooks Online

If you are using QuickBooks Online, please contact your InterWeave Sales Representative. They will assist you in purchasing license for the QODBC for QuickBooks Online Connector and connecting to your QB Online company file.

Connecting with your QuickBooks Desktop

(Company file on an in-house server/Split solution)

If you are using QuickBooks Desktop located on your in-house server, please contact your InterWeave Sales Representative. They will assist you in purchasing license for the QODBC for QuickBooks Desktop Connector and connecting to your QB Desktop company file.

Note:  The full version of QuickBooks needs to be installed on the server we’re going to be accessing.  

The QODBC for QuickBooks Desktop Connector

The connector is a very small piece of software that allows InterWeave servers to connect to your QuickBooks company file, and it is a part of QuickBooks integration solution. It will be configured to run automatically when you login and stays in the background.

Note that integration can only work when the Windows user you install this under is logged in 24/7 for 24/7 integration.

1.  Installation is to be done on the same machine that has the complete QuickBooks installation (client, server, DB manager, etc.).

2.  Installation will be done by InterWeave.

To install the QODBC connector we will need:

      1. Remote Desktop Connection (RDC) access to the QB server for Windows admin user (external static IP address, username and password)
      2. Port 4500 forwarded/opened for TCP and UDP communication (both directions)
      3. QB company file name and location
      4. QB admin password to connect to QB file (QB in a single user mode required for 30 minutes – nobody can use QB during this setup time).

We will connect to QB company file from inside of your QB server using QODBC connector and activate QODBC license.

Note 1: Open Remote RDP Access for IPs: | |

Note 2: Open Port 4500 for IP: TBD

Port 4500 and your Firewall

Most companies’ servers are behind a so-called “firewall” or similar devices that block external access to improve security. For InterWeave to work, your firewall needs to allow inbound connections to communicate with the QODC connector (connecting) to your QuickBooks Company file on port 4500. Please make sure that this is the case (you may need to contact your hosting provider or IT support for that).

Once the access is allowed, please send the following pieces of information to support:

 •      Your static IP address (you may need assistance of your IT contact for that)
 •      Location of your company file(s) (including filename) on the computer (e.g., “C:\QB Files\Company File.qbw”)

Port 4500 and your Firewall

Most companies’ servers are behind a so-called “firewall” or similar devices that block external access to improve security. For InterWeave to work, your firewall needs to allow inbound/outbound connections (TCP/UDP) to install your QODBC Driver with QRemote connector, and your QuickBooks Company file on port 4500, and to run integration. Please make sure that this is the case (you may need to contact your hosting provider or IT support for that).

Once the RDP remote access is allowed, please send the following pieces of information to support:

    • Your static IP address (you may need assistance of your IT contact for this)
    • Location of your company file(s) (including filename) on the QB machine (e.g., C:\QBFiles\Company.qbw)
    • Location of your test company file copy (optional)

Port 4500 and Networking

To establish the correct connection to QODBC connector port 4500 has to be forwarded to a server on which QODBC Driver with QRemote connector is installed. Please see port forwarding in your router documentation.

Access to port 4500 must be opened in both external (router) and internal (server) firewalls if both are used.

Testing your connection for correct Port Forwarding

1. In order to test an internal (server) firewall settings follow instruction below:

From another computer inside local network run telnet LLL.LL.LL.LLL 4500 – where LLL.LL.LL.LLL is a local IP address of the server QODBC Connector is installed. Telnet window should open. When it is closed you should see the message in the logging tab of QODBC connector. This test shows that Connector is installed properly and Windows (and other –if present) firewall is properly configured.

2. In order to test an external (router) firewall settings follow instruction below:

From another computer, outside of local network run telnet XXX.XX.XX.XXX 4500 – where XXX.XX.XX.XXX is an external IP address of the server QODBC Connector is installed. Telnet window should open. When it is closed you should see the message in the logging tab of QODBC connector. This test shows that port forwarding is done correctly and external (router) firewall is configured properly.


How to setup your QuickBooks Windows Server:

    1. Windows user (e.g., admin) under which QODBC connector and QuickBooks apps are installed must be logged in 24×7 if you want 24×7 integration. It must be set as auto user meaning that it has to login automatically when server is rebooted.
    2. QuickBooks (QB32.exe) must be set in the startup sequence for that server user to make sure that it is re-started when server is rebooted.
    3. Only one RDC remote session should be allowed for that Windows user (e.g., admin).
    4. Logging out should not be used for that user if it is started as RDC session. This session must have no timeout limitation.
    5. RDC remote access for that user can be provided for us as well – so we can fix connectivity issues as soon as we notice them.


Q1: Is the admin username and password for domain and QuickBooks used for the sync or just initial configuration?

A1: For QB – only to connect (or to reconnect if required). For Windows – only to access your server via remote RDC. None of those are used for sync.

Q2: After install – are we fine to disable RDC access?

A2: If you want us to manage your QB connectivity you need to keep RDC access (but only from particular IP address). If you are planning to manage QB connectivity by yourself – you can disable it after setup and enable only if you need us to reconnect (that happens sometimes if you need to move QB Company file, upgrade QB to a new version etc.)

Q3: Does the integration use field level access for QuickBooks read/write or does it have access to all fields/tables/etc.?

A3: We create in QB the special user for integration (usually interweaveQR). We set it to Full Access – at least for testing period. You can restrict its access to any level but if you prohibit access (directly or indirectly) to the tables/fields involved into synchronization – integration will stop working correctly.

Step 3 – Registration & Solution Configuration


The first step is to Register and Configure yourself and your company in the InterWeave Solutions Portal (ISP).

1.   Go to the ISP home page, select New Company? Please register here

2.   Enter your Company/Organization (exactly as you want it)

3.   Enter your Administrator’s E-Mail Address (this can be you also)

4.   Enter Administrators First Name, Last Name, Password and Confirm Password

5.   Select your Integration Solution (ex. Salesforce to QuickBooks)

With the assistance of your InterWeave Solutions Specialist, select the Configuration Options that invoke the object/field configuration you want. During this Configuration step, you may create/define as many custom fields in Salesforce as you wish – which correlate to QuickBooks fields – and enter then into your Configuration options.

Certain mandatory fields are required in Salesforce and QuickBooks to make your Solution operates smoothly (See Create custom fields in Salesforce). Depending on your selections, certain optional fields are also mandatory fields required. 

InterWeave Solutions Portal Profile

Some of the options you’ve specified for your Solution in the InterWeave Solutions Portal (ISP) configuration may require presence of specific custom fields in Salesforce and QuickBooks. The following documents those requirements; it may be helpful to login and have your profile information on-screen.

Edit Company Profile – You can review and change your company profile information in the ISP by clicking the “Edit company profile” link in the main login page. Enter the company name (exactly as it was specified in the initial setup), administrator email and the password. Then click “Load Company Profile“. The rest can be navigated using the “Next” button. Click the “Finish” button on the very last page to commit configuration changes.

Make sure that the configuration information is correct, as the flows will not work otherwise. Also, make sure that the Salesforce login as well as the QODBC URI are specified (the latter should have been provided by support).

NOTE: if you have changed profile settings, you must log out and then log back in from the Transaction Flow Manager screen (use the log out link near the top of the page).

Step 4 – Activation of Flows and Testing

Receiving your Email

Upon completion of the step above, you will receive the following email from InterWeave Support personnel. 

1.   Your InterWeave company name is: [Company Name Here]

2.   Your company token is: [Token issued by InterWeave here]

3.   The QODBC software driver installation (Remote Connector or Connector as a Service) step needs to be complete (see above or if not sure what it is or the status – ask)

4.   You may need to add a few custom fields to your Salesforce application and the QuickBooks company file. Use the guide above to make sure that your installation is correct; some of this has already been taken care of during the initial setup call.

1.   In some cases, a similar custom field may already exist, e.g., due to prior integration efforts; in that case, just modify existing field to match the expected API name.

Create an Administrative User

There can be multiple users per company profile in the InterWeave Solutions Portal (ISP). The administrator user is the user with the same email as the “administrator email” you have specified in the company profile.

Follow these steps to create it:

1.   In the main login screen, click on the “Register Here” link right after “New user?” text

2.   Most fields are self-explanatory; all need to be filled out

3.   Copy the company name exactly as it is in the email (no spaces, etc.). Copy the Token into “QB Integration Password/Token” and confirm.

4.   The e-mail is what is used to log in, and must be the same as the “administrator email” in the company profile

5.   When done, click “Register

Working with Flows

InterWeave works based on “Flows”, which are batch jobs importing a subset of data from one system to another.

After having created the administrator user, use those credentials to login on the main Profile Login screen in the ISP. You should see a list of flows currently available, with a few checkboxes and other fields in each row.

Each flow can be configured by clicking on its name (which is a link). The bottom frame of the window should then show the available parameters for the flow.

To start a flow, check the checkbox on the same row as the flow name, and then click the “Submit” button at the bottom of the screen.

The row should be highlighted green. To keep checking the status of running flows, just click “Submit” when no checkboxes are selected – that is equivalent to refreshing the page.

Sales Force Object Testing

Salesforce objects (Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Products, etc.) may now be tested one at a time, Salesforce to QuickBooks, then QuickBooks to Salesforce. All parameters need to be entered prior to starting the Flow.

Enterprise Model Testing

If you have the Enterprise Model, testing is done using special Single-Object Flows (or “Utility Flows”, which always end in letter “N”. Each of these has a required parameter that specifies that single object by name. This is done to limit the potential damage done by mis-configured Flows. Please refer to InterWeave Solutions Portal regarding details of specifying options to individual flows and running them.

Account Example

SF -> QB flow (SFAcct2QBCustN)

This Flow takes a new account in SF that would be expected to generate a QB customer (e.g., set the appropriate opportunity stage to “Closed-Won”, etc.). Plug in the name of that account into this flow’s “AccountName” parameter and run it. This customer should appear in QuickBooks.

QB -> SF flow (QBCust2SFAcctN)

Edit the QuickBooks customer created in the last flow – e.g., change the “Phone” field. Then plug in the name of that customer into this flow’s “CustomerName” parameter and run it. The changes should be propagated back into Salesforce.

Professional, Premier and Small Business Model Testing

If you have the Professional, Premier or Small Business Model, testing is done using the buttons you have created at the Object level (Accounts, Opportunities, Products, etc.)  and the Home Page Custom Links.

Step 5 – Initialization of QuickBooks

QuickBooks Initialization

Whether you are new to QuickBooks, or a long-time user, with QuickBooks on your own server, hosted on a Managed Services Provider or QuickBooks Online – there is initialization work that needs to be done for a smooth and successful integration.

At this point we have created the custom fields in Salesforce and QuickBooks, installed the QODBC Connector and validated connection, registered and completed our initial Solution configuration, created our Administrative User login and now we are ready to test. But before we test, we need to make sure QuickBooks is ready. A couple of facts below.

1.   QuickBooks Dialogue Boxes and Pop Ups

a.   Turn off any/all QuickBooks Dialogue Boxes or Pop Ups – this will disrupt your connection outbound and you will not receive any data

i.    And we mean everyone. Banking, version update, etc.  – All of them.

ii.   On-line banking. It has to be done ONLY when flows are stopped. It locks integration out, creates popup in auto-user screen and manual interaction is required to re-start integration.

iii.  Memorized transactions. Even when you (user Sherie) process them the popup appears that notifies Admin that Sherie processed memorized transactions. You need to suppress them for Admin user. 

2.   QuickBooks Chart of Accounts

a.   Is it defined the way you want it? We use COA information in the Product Object configuration in InterWeave. It’s how we align your Salesforce data with the right COA in QuickBooks.

3.   QuickBooks Items

a.   The first thing needed is to load Products from Salesforce into Items in QuickBooks.

i.    Items in QuickBooks are the line items under Invoice (for example).

ii.   Products in Salesforce are the line items underneath Opportunities

iii.  When you run the Scheduled Flow SFOPPQBINV – this creates Invoices in QuickBooks from Opportunities in Salesforce. If the corresponding Item in QuickBooks is not in – The Salesforce Product will not know what to relate to – the flow won’t work if the Item isn’t there.

The Number 1 issue why integration isn’t working – The Connection. For Connection issues – see Section Common Error Messages – this is where the detail is.

Step 6 Binding and Production Flows for Salesforce Enterprise

Binding and Production

Binding the objects in Salesforce with the objects from QuickBooks provides a mechanism that will prevent duplication. For example, if you selected an Account custom field in Salesforce to be bound to QuickBooks Customer ListID field, running the flow would bind these two objects and duplication – could not happen. 

If you did not selection any fields to bind (ex. A one-way integration) – we will skip this step. To bind, just alert us you have finished your testing and we will bind your SF_QB Solution that evening.

InterWeave Binding Fields

We need two new custom fields for Accounts, one field for Opportunities and one field for Products to be added in Salesforce. If Salesforce Contacts are used to create QuickBooks Customers or Vendors as a base Salesforce object, two fields same as for Account must also be added to Contact object. They will help with bi-directional flows as well as speed up operations and ensure better linkage between Salesforce objects and QuickBooks records.

Please go to “Setup” in Salesforce, then on the left side-bar click on “Customize”, then on “Account”, then on “Fields” links. Scroll down to see the list of existing custom fields and click on the “New” button above that list. The field type is “Text”, label is “QB Full Name” (the name would be automatically filled in as “QB_Full_Name”), maximum length of the field is 210 characters. Continue clicking “Next” and then “Save”. Repeat same procedure for Contact object if required (see above).

Click on the “New” button again in the account custom fields list. This time, use the “Date/Time” field type. The label for this field is “QB LastModified”. Continue clicking “Next” and then “Save”.

On the left side-bar click on “Product”, and then on “Fields”. Scroll down to the list of existing custom fields and click on the “New” button. The field type is “Date/Time” and label is “QB LastModified”. Continue clicking “Next” and then “Save”.

InterWeave Binding Instructions

1.   Run the flow SFAcct2QBCustBind (no input parameters required – keep batch size as 1000).

2.   Look at the log after the run (clicking at the number of runs in the rightmost column)

3.   Check if it contains “update Customer …” lines.

4.   Repeat steps 1 – 3 until there are no “update Customer …” lines.

5.   Run flow QBCust2SFActBind.

6.   Run a report in Salesforce for Accounts where QB FullName is empty and in QB for Custom Field AccountID is empty – those are non-bound items.

The next day when you Log In you will be presented Scheduled Flows, where you set the scheduled intervals, you want your flows to be firing on. Set you timings, start the Flows, you’re done. Your data is now moving back and forth automatically.

Step 7 – Custom Objects for Payment/Credit

Salesforce Custom Objects

The objects below are utilized for the QuickBooks to Salesforce flows only (without the CC Payment Gateway). If the CC Payment Gateway is used, Payment’s transactions will be in the Transaction Object associated to the CC Payment Gateway.

Payment Object

In order to receive Payment information from QuickBooks, you need to define a Payment Object and link it to the Account, Opportunity or Invoice Custom object you created.

    • To set up Payment Object
    • This is the link that will create the Payment Object in your Salesforce Account

a. Go to Setup, Create, Objects

b. Select New Custom Object

c. The Label Name is Payment QB

d. The Plurals Name is Payment QBs

e. All else is default, click Save

f.  Now, let’s create the Custom Fields in the Payment Object

g. Go to Custom Fields, click on New

Custom FieldCustom Field TypeField Name
Payment NumberText (13)Payment_Number  (has to be external id (unique)
Ref NumberText (20)RefNumber
OpportunityMaster/Detail (Opportunity) or Lookupto the object that defines the invoice
Total AmountCurrency (15,2)Total_Amount
Transaction DateDateTransaction_Date

Credit Memo Object

In order to receive Credit Memo information from QuickBooks, you need to define a Credit Memo Object and link it to the Account, Opportunity or Invoice Custom object you created.

    • To set up Credit Memo Object
    • This is the link that will create the Credit Memo Object in your Salesforce Account

h. Go to Setup, Create, Objects

i.  Select New Custom Object

j.  The Label Name is Credit Memo

k. The Plurals Name is Credit Memos

l.  All else is default, click Save

m. Now, let’s create the Custom Fields in the Credit Memo Object

n. Go to Custom Fields, click on New

Custom FieldCustom Field TypeField Name
Ref NumberText (11)RefNumber  (has to be external id (unique)
Credit RemainingCurrency (10,2)Credit Remaining
OpportunityMaster/Detail (Opportunity) or Lookupto the object that defines the invoice
Total AmountCurrency (15,2)Total_Amount
Transaction DateDateTransaction_Date

Payment Object

The Payment Object is a custom Object designed to capture all payments made from Salesforce to QuickBooks, and/or to receive all payments recorded in QuickBooks.

Payment Object Detail

Payment Object Detail for Salesforce to QuickBooks


If you are running, you will need to choose from the selection of fields below to support real-time, batch and recurring Payment Processing.

In Salesforce

1.   Payment Processing. If you want to use payment processing in your Accounts or Opportunities, follow the process below:

    • The Payment Object. You now need to create a Custom Object in Salesforce to support the Payment Processing workflows. The Payment Object Name is Payment_QB. Go to Setup, App Setup, click on Customize – then click on Objects below. The fields required are below:

Custom FieldCustom Field TypeField Description
Payment NumberText(11)Payment Number (set to – external id unique)
RefNumberText(11)Reference Number
OpportunityMaster-Detail or Lookup (Parent)Connects Payment Object to Opportunity or Quote
Total AmountCurrency(15,2)Total Payment Amount
Transaction DateDatePayment Transaction Date

Credit Memo Object

The Credit Memo/Refund Object is a custom Object designed to capture all credits/refunds entered into Salesforce and then to QuickBooks, and/or to receive all credits/refunds recorded in QuickBooks.

Credit Memo Object Detail

Credit Memo/Refund Object Detail for Salesforce to QuickBooks


If you are running, you will need to choose from the selection of fields below to support real-time, batch for Credit Memo’s and Refund processing.

In Salesforce

1.   Credit Memo Processing. If you want to process credit memos and refunds in your Accounts or Opportunities, follow the process below:

    • The Credit Memo Object. You now need to create a Custom Object in Salesforce to support the Credit Memo Processing workflows. The Credit Object Name is Credit_Memo. Go to Setup, App Setup, click on Customize – then click on Objects below. The fields required are below:

Custom FieldCustom Field TypeField Description
Credit Memo NameText(80)Credit Memo Name
Credit RemainingCurrency(15,2) 
RefNumberText(11)Reference Number (External Unique ID)
OpportunityMaster-Detail (Opportunity)Connects Credits/Refunds Object to Opportunity or Quote
Total AmountCurrency(15,2)Total Amount of Credit Memo
Transaction DateDateCredit Memo Transaction Date

Connection Issues with Salesforce, QuickBooks, Firewalls and your Domain

Additional Notes

1.   Salesforce Dedicated License for Integration

a.   When configuring your Solution in the InterWeave Solutions Portal, the last page is where you enter your Salesforce User ID and Password and your QuickBooks User ID and Password.

i.    Regarding Salesforce, we typically use a lightly used Salesforce license for the integration license – but, if all are actively used – purchase a separate Salesforce License and dedicate it to integration.

2.   Salesforce change of Password

QB passwords are not used by us so you can change it any time. If you want to change Salesforce password, then please:

a.   Stop the Flows.

b.   Change password in Salesforce.

c.   Open company configuration and at the last page of the wizard change Salesforce password correspondingly.

d.   Re-start your Flows.

3.   Customer Logins in the ISP

a.   There can be two logins (administration if treated separately)

i.    1 will be for normal logging in to flows

ii.   1 will be to edit and change company profile

iii.  Be sure to document both.

4.   QuickBooks SDK

a.   QuickBooks may come with the Sometimes (actually often enough) QuickBooks is installed with the original version of SDK that may be several years older than the current one. You may try to use QuickBooks update feature for this or contact Intuit support – they will assist you with this.

5.   QuickBooks Dialogue Boxes and Pop Ups

a.   Turn off any/all QuickBooks Dialogue Boxes or Pop Ups – this will disrupt your connection outbound and you will not receive any data.

6.   QuickBooks Server Environment

a.   In our experience QuickBooks on Windows server 2003 is the most stable and reliable configuration.

7.   Your Microsoft Environment and QuickBooks Connection Failures

These are possible reasons for QuickBooks connection failure

    • Networking changes (external IP address, internal IP address of QuickBooks server, Router changes (Port forwarding etc.)). .
    • QuickBooks is locked by some pop-up (registration request, upgrade request, backup request, sometimes reminder etc.)
    • QuickBooks is locked by some operation that requires exclusive access to a company file (on-line banking, back-up etc.)
    • QuickBooks is locked by some other integration application operation that requires exclusive access to a company file.
    • QuickBooks is running in single-user mode or under the same user that used for integration
    • Connector is not running
    • More than one connector is running
    • Windows registry changes that affected connector settings
    • Company file moved to other location. 
    • Company file configuration changed (some other application was registered, our permission to start QuickBooks were voided etc.); could also be possible as a result of restoration from back-up
    • Other (Windows) issues:
    • Windows can update and reboot but nobody is logged in so connector is not running.  ITX “auto-user” approach fixes this but other Windows problems can lock the server

Resetting your QuickBooks Connection

Your connection is down.

If your flows are running, but you’re seeing no activity in your QuickBooks, your connection (QODBC Connector) could be down. Below are the  are the 5 steps required to restore the Connector.

1. Reboot the server where connector is installed.

2. Login into the server with a user under which connector is installed. Make sure that connector is running.

3. Double click in Window explorer on the file you are working with (test file in your case).

4. When QuickBooks opens, please make sure that there are no pop-ups during QB start. If there are pop-ups – do what they ask, close QuickBooks and return steps 3 and 4.

5. Close QuickBooks. If there are any error messages during closing QuickBooks – repeat steps 3, 4 and 5 until no error messages appear.

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