- InterWeave Documentation
Salesforce Payment Gateway
InterWeave Salesforce Payment Gateway

InterWeave Credit Card/ACH Payment Gateway Help & Training Guide
© 2022 Integration Technologies, Inc.
1. Welcome to the InterWeave Solutions Help & Training
Welcome to InterWeave SmartSolutions®
Customers today are looking for Solutions that meet their specific requirements and provide them unlimited flexibility. At Integration Technologies, InterWeave SmartSolutions provide our customers unlimited options in both. Smart Solutions offers the industries first and only: CRM, Financial, ERP, eCommerce, Billing, Telephony, Customer Service applications ready to integrate and configure in a “Self-Service SaaS” model. You configure your integration between the applications with 100’s of configurable options available per Solution. With SmartSolutions, the Solution is the Difference:
Complete, pre-built integration Solutions – between “Best of Breed” applications
- All processes, workflow logic, mapping is ready for you to configure – with a mouse and the web
- The Solution is completely Configurable by the customer with picklists, drop downs or custom fields
- Start-ups, SMB or Enterprise – select exactly the right configuration for you – modify any time Extensive portfolio of integration Solutions waiting for you to configure
- Complete outsource packages available – no software, no hardware, no developers, no overhead – just sign and go
InterWeave SmartSolutions, v2.5, has the additional benefit of the Integration Manager (IM), a separate application that works in combination with your Solution that is focused on managing your Scheduled Flows, the data moving between your “Best of Breed” applications and your connection status. The IM monitors your data and connections in real-time, with email alerts directly to you or your System Administrator.
Additionally, we continue to add more functionality to our Smart Solutions; the Payment Gateway ( Credit Card and ACH processing, multiple merchants), the Database Gateway (any ODBC), CloudConnect® (integrates any application, process, gateway, protocol, partner > our customers < in the world), FedEx integration and many more.
This chapter contains the following sections:
- Smart Solutions Configuration Guide
- Smart Solutions Set-up & Process Guide
- Integration Manager Process Guide
- Common Error Messages
2.0 Introduction to The InterWeave Help & Training Guide for the Credit Card Processing Gateway
Welcome to the award-winning, InterWeave, the on-demand service designed for you to manage your Solutions, integrate with other systems, and even build your own Solution.
The InterWeave service includes the following components:
InterWeave Smart Solutions
Smart Solutions includes prebuilt integration Solutions between the “Best of Breed” applications in the market today ranging from CRM to Financial Applications, Merchant Service Providers, Billing, eCommerce, Data Base, Web Services, etc.
InterWeave SmartSolutions Platform
The InterWeave SmartSolutions platform is the first Platform as a Service (PaaS), enabling developers to create and deliver any kind of integrated business Solution, entirely on-demand and without software. The platform IDE includes easy-to-use, point-and-click customization tools to create solutions for your unique business requirements, without any programming experience.
The Credit Card Processing Gateway Process Description:
Background on Merchant Accounts
A merchant bank is a financial institution that provides business level accounts to merchants for collecting payments from consumer bank or credit card accounts. If you’re already selling products from a retail location, you probably have a Card Present (CP) merchant account. However, to sell from your Web site, you’ll also need a Card Not Present (CNP) merchant account. A CNP account is used by merchants that receive payments via the Internet or in situations when a payment is not physically presented to the merchant by the consumer at the time of the transaction (e.g. telephone orders).
In the payments industry, Independent Sales Organizations (ISOs), Merchant Services Providers (MSPs), and Value-Add Resellers (VARs) are most often the organizations that provide merchant accounts. The First Data Reseller Directory located at http://www.firstdatacardprocessing.com/aboutus. html and lists numerous such companies. You can also contact your current banking partner to find out if they provide CNP merchant accounts.
Smart Payment Gateway Details
Connecting a CRM application or Web site to the payment processing networks is exceptionally difficult and typically beyond the expertise and technical resources of most online customers. Instead, customers can easily integrate the InterWeave Smart Payment Gateway (ISPG) with their application and connect with payment processors like First Data, Authorize.Net, Intuit Merchant Services, PayPal and many more. ISPG provides the data structure, workflow and complex processing logic, support and security necessary to ensure fast, reliable and secure transmission of transaction data. ISPG manages the routing of transactions just like a traditional credit card swipe machine you find in the physical retail world, however, ISPG uses the Internet instead of a phone line. Once installed, ISPG is available 24/7 for processing transactions.
Credit Card Payment Flow
The electronic payment process may be difficult to understand at first. The diagram below illustrates the flow of payment information and funds from a customers CRM or Web site to their selected payment processors and back.
- A customer submits a credit card or electronic check transaction in their CRM their Website. The transaction then integrates with the selected payment processor (Authorize. Net) via a secure connection.
- First Data receives the secure transaction information and passes it via a secure connection to your bank’s processor (a financial partner that provides credit card processing on behalf of the credit card associations, for example, Visa or MasterCard).
- Your bank’s processor submits the transaction to the Credit Card Interchange (a network of financial entities that communicate to manage the processing, clearing, and settlement of credit card transactions).
- The Credit Card Interchange routes the transaction to your customer’s Credit Card Issuer.
- The Credit Card Issuer approves or declines the transaction based on the customer’s available funds and passes the transaction results, and if approved, the appropriate funds, back through the Credit Card Interchange.
- The Credit Card Interchange relays the transaction results to your bank’s processor.
- Your bank’s processor relays the transaction results to Authorize.Net.
- Authorize.Net stores the transaction results and sends them to you and/or your customer. This communication process averages three seconds or less!
- The Credit Card Interchange passes the appropriate funds for the transaction to your bank, which then deposits funds into your merchant bank account.
Automated Recurring Billing
Automated Recurring Billing (ARB) is a convenient and easy-to-use tool for submitting and managing recurring, or subscription-based transactions. You can take advantage of ARB’s flexible features to enhance customer service and build customer loyalty, while reducing authorization declines and overall administrative costs.
Customers recurring payment schedules are located in the transaction object; includes the customer’s payment information, a billing amount, and payment schedule.
2.1 Using the Help & Training Guide
All information in the online help applies to All Editions, unless otherwise noted.
The InterWeave SmartSolutions Help & Training window offers the resources you need to be successful. You can:
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Tips for searching within the Help & Training window:Consider these tips when searching:
- Search returns online help topics, knowledge base solutions, and recommended training classes that include all or any of your keywords. For example, searching for data loader may return results with just data, just loader, or both keywords in any order. Items that include more of your keywords are listed higher in results, and items that contain your keywords as a phrase or near each other are also listed higher.
- Use multiple keywords to narrow your search results. For example, create lead assignment rules returns more specific results than just assignment rules.
- Search is not case-sensitive. Mail Merge is the same as mail merge.
- Search finds variants of your keywords, for example, searching for creating finds items containing create, creation, or creating.
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Consult, Print, or Email Online Help Topics.
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- To print a PDF version of the online help, click the Help tab of the Help & Training window and click Printable User Guide in the taskbar.
- To email the URL for any online help topic to another person, click the Email this Page link in the top right of the Help & Training window.
- Download Tip Sheets and Best Practice Guides
- Select the Help tab of the Help & Training window and click Tips & User Guides in the taskbar to view and download tip sheets, implementation guides, and best practices for specific features.
Take Free Training
Select the Training tab of the Help & Training window, choose your role and geographic location, and click View Classes! to find free, online training classes to help you learn how to use InterWeave.
Contact Customer Support
Select the My Cases tab of the Help & Training window to access customer support options. Click Log a Case to submit your question or issue directly to InterWeave Customer Support. Click View Cases to see your previously submitted cases.
To contact InterWeave Customer Support directly, use the following numbers depending on your location:
- Americas: (800) 671-8692 x 1
- Canada: (416) 242-7910 x 2, x 3
- EMEA: (800) 671-8692 x 1
- APAC: (800) 671-8692 x 1
- Japan: (800) 671-8692 x 1
For more information about the most efficient ways to receive the customer support assistance you need, see the Contacting Customer Support sheet or email support@interweave.biz.
2.2 InterWeave Service, Product, Hybrid and OEM Models
Customers today are looking for Solutions that meet their specific requirements and provide them unlimited flexibility. At Integration Technologies, InterWeave SmartSolutions provide our customers unlimited options in both. SmartSolutions offers the industries first and only: CRM, Financial, Payments, ERP, Billing, eCommerce and Customer Service applications ready to integrate and configure in a “Self-Service SaaS” model. You configure your integration between the applications with 100’s of configurable options available per Solution.
InterWeave Smart Solutions are available in three options.
- SmartSolutions – Customers can use SmartSolutions SaaS, hosted model, paying an annual subscription fee for the use of the InterWeave SmartSolutions they select.
- SmartSolutions On Site – Customers can select to own and install own perpetual software license(s) and create and run SmartSolutions in their environment, or
- SmartSolutions Hybrid and OEM – Customers can select option i, but utilize the Inter Weave IDE to develop, maintain and extend their Solutions. All options take advantage of the benefits realized with InterWeave support and maintenance.
- SmartSolutions – Customers can use SmartSolutions SaaS, hosted model, paying an annual subscription fee for the use of the InterWeave SmartSolutions they select.
No matter what your Integration needs are, Integration Technologies has the solution for you. Visit our Solution Directory for a list of Solutions available in your vertical or call 800-671-8692 ext 1. Email is sales@interweave.biz.
2.3 Contact Information
Business Offices
Integration Technologies, Inc. serves our global clients from several North American locations. If you have any questions, or require additional information regarding our products, we would be pleased to answer them for you. We may be reached through our office locations and contact information provided below.
Regional Office: Northeast United States
250 W. 57th Street
Suite 1316 (57th and Broadway) New York, NY
Phone: (800) 671-8692 ext 1
Fax: (801) 439-3476
E-mail us: bmagown@interweave.biz
Corporate Office: Northeast United States
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Essex, CT 06426
Phone: (203) 274-5226
Fax: (801) 439-3476
E-mail us: info@interweave.biz
Regional Office: Northeast United States
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Phone: (800) 671-8692 x 1
Fax: (801) 439-3476
E-mail us: bmagown@interweave.biz
Regional Office: Canada
First Canadian Place Younge Eglinton Center
2300 Younge Street, Suite 1600 Toronto, ON M4P 1E4 Canada Phone: 800-671-8692 x 2
Fax: (801) 439-3476
E-mail us: toronto@interweave.biz
General Contacts
- General Information: info@interweave.biz
- Sales: sales@interweave.biz
- Partners: partners@interweave.biz
- Support: support@interweave.biz
- Website: webmaster@interweave.biz
3 Credit Card Payment Gateway
Please see various Credit Card Payment Gateway Smart Solutions below.
3.1 CRM_CC/ACH Processing Gateway
Smart Solution Set Up and Testing
The main customer portal login is located at www.interweave.biz – select “Login” on the main title bar. Your Smart Solutions Technical Specialist will work with you to execute the steps below:
Step 1 – Create custom fields in CRM
- Customize/update CRM with custom fields as identified below
Step 2 – Registration & Solution Configuration on the InterWeave Solutions Portal
- Select New Company? Please Register Here
- Enter your unique registration information (and remember it – it is case sensitive)
- Select your Solution and walk through the Configuration with your InterWeave Technical Specialist
- This takes about 10 minutes
Step 3 – Activation of CC Flows and Testing
- Log into the InterWeave Solutions Portal
- Log in and commence testing individual Flows (objects)
SF Object Testing:
- CRM (or Web Site)User ID and Password
- Merchant Services Provider (MSP) User ID and Password
- Other Properties
- Products/Items testing (test again a test account at your MSP)
3.1.1 Step 1 – Create custom CC fields in Salesforce
CRM or Web Site Custom Fields
If you are running your CRM or using your Web Site, you will need to choose from the selection of fields below to support real-time, batch and recurring Credit Card Payment Processing.
In CRM or Web Site
- Credit Card Processing. If you want to use payment method and credit card information in your Accounts or Opportunities, follow the process below:
For CRM centric Credit Card, Scheduled and Recurring Payments Processing, we need three Sections created and populated with the following custom fields with the following names.Credit Card & E-Check (ACH) Payment Details (Scheduled).
Credit Card & E-Check (ACH) Payment Details (Scheduled)

Bank Account & Credit Card Details

Credit Card & E-Check (ACH) Payment Details (Recurring)

The Transaction Object. You now need to create a Custom Object in CRM to support the Credit Card Processing work flows. Go to Setup, App Setup, click on Customize – then click on Objects below. The fields required are below:

If you selected the Small Business. Enterprise or Ultimate Model – you now need to create a Custom Button to invoke the Credit Card process at the Account or Object level (the one you selected). The examples below are for CC Process Integration with Authorize.net. We will also provide examples for integration with First Data.

If you are running QuickBooks and sourcing Credit Card Processing from there, we need custom fields with the following names. Create a new Section and call it QB Credit Card Processing.

3.1.2 Step 2 – Registration & CC Solution Configuration
The first step is to Register and Configure yourself and your company in the InterWeave Solutions Portal (ISP).
- Go to the ISP home page, select New Company? Please register here
- Enter your Company/Organization (exactly as you want it)
- Enter your Administrator’s E-Mail Address (this can be you also)
- Enter Administrators First Name, Last Name, Password and Confirm Password
- Select your Integration Solution (ex. CRM to QuickBooks)
With the assistance of your InterWeave Solutions Specialist, select the Configuration Options that invoke the object/field configuration you want. During this Configuration step, you may create/define as many custom fields in CRM as you wish – which correlate to QuickBooks fields – and enter then into your Configuration options.
Certain mandatory fields are required in CRM and Quickooks to make your Solution operates smoothly (See Create custom fields in CRM). Depending on your selections, certain optional fields are also mandatory fields required.
InterWeave Solutions Portal Profile
Some of the options you’ve specified for your Solution in the InterWeave Solutions Portal (ISP) configuration may require presence of specific custom fields in CRM and QuickBooks. The following documents those requirements; it may be helpful to login and have your profile information on-screen.
Edit Company Profile – You can review and change your company profile information in the ISP by clicking the “Edit company profile” link in the main login page. Enter the company name (exactly as it was specified in the initial setup), administrator email and the password. Then click “Load Company Profile“. The rest can be navigated using the “Next” button. Click the ” Finish” button on the very last page to commit configuration changes.
Make sure that the configuration information is correct, as the flows will not work otherwise. Also, make sure that the CRM login as well as the QODBC URI are specified (the latter should have been provided by support).
NOTE: if you have changed profile settings, you must log out and then log back in from the Transaction Flow Manager screen (use the log out link near the top of the page).
3.1.3 Step 3 – Activation of CC Flows and Testing
Receiving your Email
Upon completion of the step above, you will receive the following email from InterWeave Support personnel.
- Your InterWeave company name is: [Company Name Here]
- Your company token is: [Token issued by InterWeave here]
- You may need to add a few custom fields to your CRM application and the QuickBooks company file. Use the guide above to make sure that your installation is correct; some of this has already been taken care of during the initial setup call.
- In some cases, a similar custom field may already exist, e.g. due to prior integration efforts; in that case, just modify existing field to match the expected API name.
Create an Administrative User
There can be multiple users per company profile in the InterWeave Solutions Portal (ISP). The administrator user is the user with the same email as the “administrator email” you have specified in the company profile.
Follow these steps to create it:
- In the main login screen, click on the “Register Here” link right after “New user?” text
- Most fields are self-explanatory; all need to be filled out
- Copy the company name exactly as it is in the email (no spaces, etc.). Copy the Token into “QB Integration Password/Token” and confirm.
- The e-mail is what is used to log in, and must be the same as the “administrator email” in the company profile
- When done, click “Register“
Working with Flows
InterWeave works based on “Flows”, which are batch jobs importing a subset of data from one system to another.
After having created the administrator user, use those credentials to login on the main Profile Login screen in the ISP. You should see a list of flows currently available, with a few check boxes and other fields in each row.
Each flow can be configured by clicking on its name (which is a link). The bottom frame of the window should then show the available parameters for the flow.
To start a flow, check the checkbox on the same row as the flow name, and then click the “Submit”button at the bottom of the screen.
The row should be highlighted green. To keep checking the status of running flows, just click “Submit” when no check boxes are selected – that is equivalent to refreshing the page.

CRM Object Testing
CRM objects (Accounts, Contacts, Opportunities, Products, etc.) may now be tested one at a time; CRM to QuickBooks, then QuickBooks to CRM. All parameters need to be entered prior to starting the Flow.
Enterprise Model Testing
If you have the Enterprise Model, testing is done using special Single-Object Flows (or “Utility Flows”, which always end in letter “N”. Each of these has a required parameter that specifies that single object by name. This is done to limit the potential damage done by mis-configured Flows. Please refer to InterWeave Solutions Portal regarding details of specifying options to individual flows and running them.
Account Example
SF -> QB flow (SFAcct2QBCustN)
This Flow takes a new account in SF that would be expected to generate a QB customer (e.g.set the appropriate opportunity stage to “Closed-Won”, etc). Plug in the name of that account into this flow’s “AccountName” parameter and run it. This customer should appear in QuickBooks.
QB -> SF flow (QBCust2SFAcctN)
Edit the QuickBooks customer created in the last flow – e.g. change the “Phone” field. Then plug in the name of that customer into this flow’s “CustomerName” parameter and run it. The changes should be propagated back into CRM.
Small Business, Enterprise and Ultimate Model Testing
Model, testing is done using the buttons you have created at the Object level (Accounts, Opportunities, Products, etc.) and the Home Page Custom Links.
3.1.4 Model CC Buttons and Links
The CRM_QuickBooks SmartSolutions is available in three models;
- Small Business
- Enterprise
- Ultimate
Objects are eligible for configuration are available depending on model selected. Small Business, Enterprise and Ultimate CC Buttons on Salesforce
The Models use custom links and buttons that you create In CRM on the Object Pages (Accounts, Opportunities) for the CRM to Credit Card Processing Gateway Flows. These links activate your configured Object Flows in InterWeave.
CRM to Credit Card Processing Gateway (uni-directional) on the Object Pages (you select the ones you want to build and display)
For SF Account to CC Merchant Services Providers
1) This is the link that will invoke the CRM Account to the CC Processing flow with the configuration you have created.
- Go to Setup, App Setup, Customize, Accounts
- Select Custom Buttons and Links, New. You will be creating your custom link or button – SFTransactions2Auth is the name
- Enter SFTransactions2Auth into the Label Field – it will automatically create the name field.
2) Display Type
- If Object Page, select Detail Page Button
- If Home Page, select Link
- Behavior – Display in existing window without sidebar or header
- Content Source – URL
- In the main area – copy the following below Company Here&__TOKEN__= Your Token Here
- &TransactionSourceName={!Opportunity.Id}&TestMode=true
note: TestMode=true is testing. TestMode=false if production. Click Save
For SF Opportunities to CC Merchant Services Providers
This is the link that will invoke the CRM Opportunities to the CC Processing flow with the configuration you have created.
Go to Setup, App Setup, Customize, Opportunities
Select Custom Buttons and Links, New. You will be creating your custom link or button – SFTransactions2Auth is the name
Enter SFTransactions2Auth into the Label Field – it will automatically create the name field.
Display Type
- If Object Page, select Detail Page Button
- If Home Page, select Link
- Behavior – Display in existing window without sidebar or header
- Content Source – URL
- In the main area – copy the following below Company Here&__TOKEN__= Your Token Here&TransactionSourceName={!Opportunity.Id}&TestMode=truenote: TestMode=true is testing. TestMode=false if production.
Click Save
Page Layout Section
Select the Page Layout (you may have more than one page layout) – let’s start with the standard layout.
For the Object Pages
This is the link that will invoke the CRM Accounts and Opportunities to the CC Process flow with the configuration you have created.
- Go to Setup, App Setup, Customize, (Accounts or Opportunities) – select Button and Links
- Select New – your now in Custom Button Edit. You will be creating your custom button – SFTransactions2Auth is the name.
- Enter SFTransactions2Auth into the Label Field – it will automatically create the name field
- Display type
- If Object Page, select Detail Page Button
- Behavior – Display in existing window without sidebar or header
- Content Source – URL – Product Layout. Select Edit, then top left, click on Button.
Now drag your newly created Button down to the Custom Button Area – then Save.
3.2 How to operate the CC/ACH Payment Process Gateway
Below are the process step to operate the CC Process Gateway
3.2.1 Real time ACH and CC Process and Scheduled
For real time ACH and Scheduled processing
The Sections of the CC Processing Gateway
There are three (3) sections to the CC Processing Gateway:
- Credit Card & E-Check (ACH) Payment Details (Scheduled)
- Credit Card & E-Check (ACH) Payment Details (Recurring), and
- Bank Account & Credit Card Details
To process real time Credit Cards and ACH in your Opportunity or Accounts in CRM.
At a minimum, you will Section 1 and Section 3 to process a transaction. In section 3, all customer detail needs to be filled out for proper processing. If ACH, bank and routing information is required. Most customers send a CC Authorization Form to their customer, receive that back and then input from there.
After Section 3 is filled out, to process a Credit Card in real time just fill out Payment Method and Manual Credit Card Amount to Charge – no other fields. If you have selected to have a Custom Button – just click on this and your transaction will be executed. If you selected the automated flows, your transaction will process in the timing interval you selected. You will see the results of your transaction with the filed – Last Date of Authorized Payment – now filled in and you will see a new record of the transaction in the Transaction Object; accept, decline, etc.
- If you select to run this transaction again, be sure to remove the Last Date of Authorized Payment entry – or it will not process.
To process Scheduled Credit Cards and ACH in your Opportunity or Accounts in CRM.
Refer to the section above, you will need this information – and you will need the Enterprise version of the InterWeave Smart Solution- with automated timing intervals to pick up the Scheduled transaction.
In Section 1, two fields must be filled out – Next Automated Date for CC/ACH Payment and Automated Credit Card Amount to Charge. This will allow the transaction to execute on this date, and create a new record in the Transaction Object.
To process Recurring Credit Cards and ACH in your Opportunity or Accounts in CRM.
Refer to the sections above, you will need this information – and you will need the Enterprise version of the InterWeave Smart Solution- with automated timing intervals to pick up the Scheduled transactions.
In Section 2, the first five fields must be filled out for the recurring transactions to fire. Again, you will see a new record of the transaction in the Transaction Object.
Recording the Real Time, Scheduled and Recurring Credit Cards and ACH transaction in your QuickBooks.
Many customers use work flow with automated email notification regarding transaction (or lack of it – denial) to inform themselves and their customers to the status of a transaction. You can also choose to create an Sales Receipt or Invoice with the “Paid” watermark across it to record the payment in QuickBooks.
4. Payment Object
The Payment Object is a custom Object designed to capture all payments made from CRM to QuickBooks, and/or to receive all payments recorded in QuickBooks.
4.1 Payment Object
Payment Object Detail for CRM to QuickBooks
If you are running CRM, you will need to choose from the selection of fields below to support real-time, batch and recurring Payment Processing.
- Payment Processing. If you want to use payment processing in your Accounts or Opportunities, follow the process below:
- The Payment Object. You now need to create a Custom Object in CRM to support the Payment Processing work flows. Go to Setup, App Setup, click on Customize – then click on Objects below. The fields required are below:
- Payment Processing. If you want to use payment processing in your Accounts or Opportunities, follow the process below:

Credit Memo Object
The Credit Memo Object is a custom Object designed to capture all credits/refunds entered into CRM and then to QuickBooks, and/or to receive all credits/refunds recorded in QuickBooks.
Credit Memo Object Detail CRM to QuickBooks
If you are running CRM, you will need to choose from the selection of fields below to support real-time,
batch for Credit Memo’s and Refund processing.
- Credit Memo Processing. If you want to process credit memos and refunds in your Accounts or Opportunities, follow the process below:
- The Credit Memo Object. You now need to create a Custom Object in CRM to support the Credit Memo Processing work flows. Go to Setup, App Setup, click on Customize – then click on Objects below. The fields required are below:
- Credit Memo Processing. If you want to process credit memos and refunds in your Accounts or Opportunities, follow the process below: