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Payment Schedule Object Detail

The Payments Schedule Object offers flexibility by enabling your customers to schedule payments for a future date.  The scheduled payments feature lets your customers take action immediately so that they won’t forget to pay. You can provide different payout schedule options. By default, the payout schedule is daily automatic in supported countries, but you can change this to weekly automatic, monthly automatic

Created By CreatedById Lookup(User)
Currency Currency__c Picklist
Description Description__c Text Area(255)
Each Amount Each_Amount__c Currency(8, 2)
End Date End_Date__c Date
Initial Amount Initial_Amount__c Currency(8, 2)
Last Modified By LastModifiedById Lookup(User)
Owner OwnerId Lookup(User,Group)
Payment Schedule Name Name Text(80)
Start Date Start_Date__c Date
Total Amount Total_Amount__c Currency(8, 2)
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