So prior to your binding step, let’s focus on getting your data clean. Example below.
- For your Accounting System
- Export all Customers to an Excel Sheet.
- Export all Items to a separate Excel Sheet.
- For your CRM
- Export all Accounts to an Excel Sheet.
- Export all Products to a separate Excel Sheet
- Let’s compare the columns.
- Copy Accounts to a 2nd Column next to Customers and run a compare.
- In your InterWeave Solution, check to see – did you make CRM Accounts master over Accounting System Customers?
- If so, correct and update Accounting System Customers to match your CRM Accounts.
- Do the same for Products.
- I assume the Accounting System Items are Master over the CRM Products, so update your CRM Products to match the Accounting System Items.
- Upload the updated Excel back up to SF and QB.
- Create a ticket and we will run binding.